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Crazy Love
from Dalí to Francis Bacon
08.05.2006 - 18.06.2006

From March to June 2006, the BA-CA Kunstforum will show the Collection Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch. This is a continuation of the successful presentations of private collections, so far undiscovered and completely withheld from the public, as the Kunstforum has made it in the 1990ies at regular intervals: starting with the Swiss Weinberg Foundation and Collection (»Degas – Cézanne – Picasso«) in 1996, over the collection of Bernard Picasso, Pablo Picasso's grandson (»Picasso. Figure and Portrait«) in 2000, to the last exhibition of this kind of the »Sammlung Im Obersteg« in Fall 2003.
The presentation of the Berlin Collection Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch now continues this tradition, this time with a work exhibition that reveals a convincing coherence around the couple's preference for the Surreal, the world of the Fantastic and Poetic with its various main focuses.
The collection centers on top-class works of French Surrealism from the late 1920ies – works by André Breton, Joan Miró, Hans Arp, Salvador Dalí, and André Masson. Paintings and written references give an uncommonly complete impression and idea of this very crucial era. The Surrealism group is rounded off by paintings and sculptures by Pablo Picasso, Julio Gonzales and Wifredo Lam; but also René Magritte and Paul Delvaux, the Belgian rivals, as well as Hans Bellmer and Alexander Calder are represented with main works of the late 1920ies and 1930ies.
A significant part of the Collection Pietzsch is dedicated to the (somewhat personal) dealing with Max Ernst, whose work from the 1920ies onwards is also present. A major emphasis is placed on the fragments of the famous Capricorn-group from 1948; but Max Ernst is also flanked by pictures of two of his companions, the paintresses Leonora Carrington and Dorothea Tanning.
A further field of interest of the couple appears in a great collection of works of Abstract Expressionism, of the US-American painting of the 1940ies – works by Robert Motherwell are presented as well as those of Mark Rothko, Richard Poussette-Dart or Barnett Newmann and Jackson Pollock.
Besides these grand comprehensice blocks, the Collection Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch also features individual masterpieces of European and US-American art, especially works after 1945 –a huge picture of two nudes by Francis Bacon being one of the most prominent examples.
The exhibition of the Collection Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch in the BA-CA Kunstforum will include over 100 exhibits – paintings, sculptures, works on paper and printouts. An impressive series of Vintage photographs of all artists represented in the collection completes the presentation.
Markus Lüpertz
06/09/2006 - 05/11/2006