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Works from the Unicredit Group Collection
16.10.2009 - 10.01.2010

UniCredit Group’s strong cultural commitment aims to contribute to an open and tolerant cultural environment which benefits from Europe’s regional diversity and forms the basis of a cross-border cultural network.
The UniCredit Group Collection, which contains over 60,000 works of art, is at the core of the bank’s cultural commitment. It includes works by old masters like Canaletto and Tintoretto, modern classics like Yves Klein, Fernand Léger, Girogio Morandi, Kurt Schwitters and Oskar Kokoschka as well as leading contemporary artists like Andreas Gursky, Christo, Georg Baselitz and Gerhard Richter. The collection also includes 4,000 historical and contemporary photographic works. Local collections in Central and Eastern Europe focus on contemporary art in the various countries and are steadily growing.
»PastPresentFuture« is the title of an exhibition at the Bank Austria Kunstforum presenting a selection of works which form part of the UniCredit Group Collection and were created in different epochs and in different countries. The first presentation of the UniCredit Group Collection thus covers several significant periods in the history of European art.
Augenschmaus / A Feast for the eyes
Food in Still Life
10/02/2010 - 30/05/2010