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Alfredo Barsuglia: Take on me
07.11.2019 - 12.01.2020
The Austrian artist Alfredo Barsuglia (born 1980 in Graz, lives and works in Vienna) will tell a story in autumn 2019 in the Kunstforum tresor which the public can enter into not only in mind but also in body. In the exhibition room Barsuglia is showing a scene located in the public space: the setting is an urban street in the here and now. The public is simultaneously witness, voyeur and intruder and is confronted with various inter-personal situations. Hovering somewhere between Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window and an augmented reality game, the borderlines in Barsuglia’s multimedia installation blur between inside and outside, beginning and end, dream and reality, the Self and the Other. Whoever yearned as a child to climb into the television set and explore the world behind the screen will get their chance here.
Curator: Lisa Ortner-Kreil
Opening: Wednesday, 6 Nov. 2019, 7 pm
20/02/2020 - 19/07/2020