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Rebecca Saunders
Rockaby (2017-2024)
09.03.2024 - 28.04.2024

A musical collage for five musicians and 200 musicboxes.
With her distinctive and remarkable tonal language, Berlin-based British composer Rebecca Saunders is one of the leading international representatives of the contemporary music scene. In spring 2024, Saunders will perform a musical collage in the tresor of the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien and present an installation conceived especially for this space. At the same time, the Wiener Musikverein will dedicate a concert series to the composer.
Saunders is very interested in the plastic and spatial properties of organised sounds. In the installation conceived for the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien, up to 200 individual music boxes, ranging from collector's items to kitsch, will be presented. For almost 30 years, Rebecca Saunders has been using some specimens from her own collection of music boxes in various works. At the Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien, the entire collection will be on display for the first time. Turning the music box keys reveals a variety of auditory diversity: an overlay of tiny melodic fragments to a collective polyphonic composition that projects soundscapes into acoustic space.
Together with the Ensemble Mosaik, the tresor becomes an auditory collage in which the individual compositions played by the musicians and the mechanics of the music boxes merge. The musicians are distributed spatially, making the space resound. The audience finds itself in a continuously moving sound sculpture - a spatial and musical polyphony.
In addition to the concert evenings, visitors have the opportunity to actively participate. Through the interactive collaboration of the visitors, a unique collage is created; a collective melody that generates a constantly evolving cacophony.
Rockaby is a continuation of the installation Myriad, which was created in 2015 in collaboration with Martin Rein-Cano and Topotek. Myriad, together with Rebecca Saunders' compositions, later became the artistic series Myriad I-III, which ran from 2017 to 2023.
Opening and concerts on Friday, 8 March 2024
Ticket purchase required for the concerts at 18:30, 19:30 and 21:00
Presale from January 8, 2024 here or via Musikverein
REBECCA SAUNDERS Rockaby (2017 - 2024)
09.03.2024 - 28.04.2024 Videopodcast zur Ausstellung
curated by
Bettina M. Busse
Wiener Musikverein
out of sight, seen
Final exhibition of the Bank Austria Studios
15/05/2024 - 30/06/2024